Writing Ideas for Potatoes, Papaw, and Me
Writing in Snapshots
Potatoes, Papaw, and Me was written as a series of snapshots in sequence portraying a simple event, harvesting potatoes. For instance, while the story begins in the garden, the characters move to the well, to the smokehouse, to the kitchen, at the table, and finally to the swing outside.
Do you have a special memory of an event that would be fun to write about? Is there someone special you shared this time with? Can this event be broken down into a series of smaller events in order?
A snapshot is a detailed description of a few moments in time. The description paints a picture in words of the scene, the characters, and/or the action that is taking place. Each snapshot provides vivid language that allows the reader to clearly visualize the moment frozen in time.
You try it! Think of just one scene of a special event. Picture it in your mind. What details do you notice? What do you see and hear? What can you smell or taste? How does it feel? Write these thoughts down on paper, including as much detail as you can.
Remember, writing is always a process. First, get your thoughts down on paper, then work with your draft to revise it. Keep changing the words until you find the vocabulary and detail that allows someone else to clearly see the picture that is in YOUR head.