Welcome to Junebug Tales Publishing

Carol June Franks, author

Thank you for visiting my website! 

Here you will find links to my children's books and news about upcoming events and books. You'll also find resources for reading and writing with children using picture books. 

 It is my goal to create books that children love and that adults love reading to them. If you find that you do love my books, please consider writing a review.  Scroll down for links to review pages. 

                                                                                            Yours truly,

Carol June Franks

P.S. Let's stay in touch! Sign up for my email list here.

The Junebug Tales Publishing Brand

Books that  

For ages 3-11 and anyone who loves a sled ride

New! Perfect for winter reading!

Sled Ride Down Unrue Street

Enjoy the thrill of a sled ride down Unrue Street! Jump on your sled and soon feel giant snowflakes against your face and the rattle of your sled bouncing up and over the bumps on the icy path. Let the story’s rhyme and repetition engage you in a cadence that moves you along as the main character in the story.

Hiruni’s illustrations, vividly created in brilliant watercolor, give readers a nostalgic experience with snowy nighttime scenes. Her whimsical style brings the story to life and catches the eye of young readers.

P.S. Any snowy hillside can be your Unrue Street! Just hop on your sled and enjoy the ride!

For ages 6-12 and anyone who loves trees

The Silent Tree Remembers:  Conversation From a Tree's Perspective 

Ever wondered what a conversation with a tree might be like? 

If you love trees, you’ll adore this heartwarming story about a tree sharing memories with a man who, with a saw in hand, is pondering the idea of cutting it down. You’ll quickly fall in love with this charming old tree and its personality. But ultimately, will the man cut down the tree even after he is reminded of the many delightful moments they’ve shared over the years?  

   Potatoes, Papaw, and Me 

What child doesn't treasure a day with Grandpa on the farm?

 Potatoes, Papaw, and Me is a charming tale of a little girl helping her grandfather harvest potatoes. Written in verse, the rhythm and descriptive detail makes each page a fun, upbeat read while leading the reader through lively snapshots from the garden, to the well, to the table, to relaxing when the work is done. Hiruni’s illustrations perfectly represent the tone of this fun-loving story. Follow along with these two animated characters as they enjoy each other and their chore on the farm. 

For ages 4-11

For ages 4-11 and anyone who loves traveling down memory lane

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Write a review please! 

Reviews mean A LOT in the world of publishing! 

If you enjoyed reading my books, please write a review.  Just a sentence or two will do and your thoughts and comments mean so much to me.

I truly appreciate your taking a moment to do this. 

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junebugtalespublishing @gmail.com